
Patent Client permits a fluent style for querying and manipulating IP data. The recommended way of using it is in a three-step process:

  1. Query the data (filter/limit/offset/order_by)

  2. Reshape the data (values)

  3. Process the data (.to_pandas, etc.)

A Simple Example#

By way of example, let’s look at the patent porfolio for Google, looking at just the most recent 20 filed (and publicly available) applications:

1. Query the Data#

from patent_client import USApplication

apps = (USApplication.objects

This is step 1 - querying the data. Consult the documentation for further details on available filtering critera. This creates a problem, though. While it fetches the relevant data, but probably provides too much to be useful. At least for a single report. So let’s reshape the result!

2. Reshape the Data#

We only want certain fields, so we can do this:

apps = (USApplication.objects
        .values("appl_id", "app_filing_date", "patent_title", "patent_number", "issue_date")

Now we’ve reshaped the data by limiting what information we have. But let’s say we also want the full name of the first inventor. That can be done using the values function, by using dotted notation to get what we want:

apps = (USApplication.objects
        # Step 1 - Query the Data
        # Step 2 - Reshape the Data
        .values("appl_id", "app_filing_date", "patent_title", "patent_number", "issue_date", "")

So, now we’ve reshaped the data into a convenient format. With this, we can convert to a pandas dataframe, a list, ingest it into a database, iterate over the results, etc.

3. Process the Data#

That’s nice, but maybe we want to actually want to do something else. Like calculate the average time from filing to issuance. We can do that using pandas, we just need to convert our result to something Pandas can deal with. So let’s do that:

apps = (USApplication.objects
        # Step 1 - Query the Data
        # Step 2 - Reshape the Data
        .values("appl_id", "app_filing_date", "patent_title", "patent_number", "issue_date", "")
        # Step 3 - Process the data
        .assign(time_to_issue=lambda df: df.issue_date - df.app_filing_date)

Advanced Data Reshaping#

The trick to doing interesting and complicated things with patent_client is all about data reshaping. Reshaping can be done using three methods on a manager: .values, .unpack, and .explode.

The Values Function#

The .values method on a manager is perhaps the most powerful and complex feature of patent_client. When .values is called, the manager becomes an iterator of Row objects, a dict-like container object with flexible contents.

Simple Attribute Fetching & Renaming: Each argument becomes a field in the result, and each keyword argument can be used to create a renamed result. Additionally, you can pass a dictionary using the keyword fields to rename fields things that can’t be keyword arguments. Using USApplication as an example, you can do this:

apps = (USApplication.objects
        .values("appl_id", title="patent_title", fields={"Application Filing Date": "appl_filing_date"})

Complex Attribute Fetching: When resolving fields for a Row, you can select properties of the model that aren’t actually fields, including related objects from other API’s. Patent client will automate the retrieval of the related items. Additionally, you can use dotted notation to fetch fields on related objects:

apps = (USApplication.objects
            "priority_date", # a calculated property
            "patent.us_refs", # US references cited in the patent - retreived from the Fulltext Patent API

Indexes in Attribute Fetching: Sometimes a related object is a list of things, and you only want one. Like maybe you only want the first named inventor. You can include numeric values in dotted notation to fetch that.

apps = (USApplication.objects
            "", # Fetches the first inventor listed, and selects the name off of that value

Unpack and Explode#

The other two key data reshaping functions are .unpack and .explode.

Unpacking Data: The .unpack method allows nested structured data to be “unpacked” into columns of a row. For example, if you wanted the name and address of the first named inventor, you could do this:

apps = (USApplication.objects
            first_named_inventor="inventors.0", # An Inventor object has a name and an address field.

In the result, this produces a row that has columns for, first_named_invetor.address, and first_named_invetor.rank_no. Additionally, if there is no risk of colliding with other columns, .unpack can be passed a keyword argument prefix=false to suppress prefixes.

Exploding Data: The .explode function is essentially the same thing as pandas.DataFrame.explode, but is included here so that data reshaping can be done before moving from patent_client Row objects to DataFrame objects. In essence, it takes a row that has a nested list of data, and produces one row for each object in the nested list.

For example, if you wanted a list of transactions, but annotated with the application number, you could do this:

apps = (USApplication.objects
            "appl_id", "transactions"